Core Competitive Advantages of Our Services: We reduced your Risks and Exposures.

a. Privacy
b. Our sister company in China operates with branches in Shenzhen City, Zhejiang / Liaoning / Anhui and Sichuan Province. Effective coverage.
c. Experiences in Business Verification and due diligences – we checked more than 1000 Chinese businesses and individuals since we started business in China more than 10 years ago
d. Respect – We respect the needs of users as well as those companies / individuals to be verified.
e. Facts – We conduct verification and checks from authorised bona fide sources.

Core Competitive Advantages of Our Services: We guide you in uncharted Territorial

a. We do not just conduct QC verification, we explain and encourages quality consciousness among production workers. We assist End Users to build up Supplier’s quality.
b. Verification based on agreed ITP between End User and Suppliers to ensure no mis-communication regarding Product Quality
c. Monitoring and evaluating Suppliers across projects duration protect interest of End User
d. Maximise Returns and avoid delay in deliveries
f. Allow End Users to know their cargo positioning 24 / 7. Helps Planning and reduce cost.

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